IC Modena3, 26 November 2019: Teacher training course on Roboable
On 26 November 2019 the training course for teachers of the Istituto Comprensivo Modena3 on the Roboable kit begins. Read more
On 26 November 2019 the training course for teachers of the Istituto Comprensivo Modena3 on the Roboable kit begins. Read more
Scool of Robotics at Sea Drone Tech Academy, in collaboration with “Sea Drone Tech Summit 2018”, offers course on educational drones, underwater and land robots. (www.seadrone.it). Read more
Firewall method has already been tested for years as a methods and tool to prevent cyberbullism and to promote a responsible use of ICT devices and of socials. Read more
Guardian of the Coast is a project funded and promoted by Costa Crociere Foundation which School of robotics is partner of. More tha 200 Italian schools will be committed to monitor the Italian coast lines to evaluate the state of the coasts and of the sea. Read more
Educational Robotics in the Makers Era. The EDUROBOTICS 2016 International conference builds on the pedagogical theories of constructivism and constructionism (Piaget, Papert) and this year focuses on “Educational Robotics in the Makers Era”. The “Educational Robotics 2016” (EduRobotics 2016) International Conference (former TRTWR) builds on a number of previously and successfully conducted international workshops. Read more
In the frame of the National Exhibit of Education Technology and ICT media, School of Robotics will offer many free workshops to Teachers. The subjects that will be discussed in these hands-on wp's will be educational robotics, 3D printing for educational aims, coding, and all the innovative educational tools. Read more
Didattiche 2016 is the subject of two-day Erickson conference that will be held in Rimini on 11 and 12 of November. School of Robotics has been called to carry out some workshop on educational robotics. The enrolments are sold out, but we have also a stroll, so come to visit us! Read more
The School of Robotics and the Scuola Edile (School of Building of Genoa and Savona) have agreed to start a project of some hours of classes of robotics for teachers and students of the School of Building. Participants are going to work on some robotics kit (Lego EV3 and BYOR) to test and improve STEM concepts and logical reasoning. Read more