17/12/2019 - Articles, Publications
Domenico Appendino: Robotics still growing (despite the crisis)

The President of SIRI, Domenico Appendino, comments on the data on the growth of the robotics sector in the world. Italy in a central position.
We asked Dr. Domenico Appendino, President of SIRI (Italian Association of Robotics and Automation), to comment on the recent data of the IFR's World Robotics Report 2018. His article, attached here, analyzes these data, which are still growing in a year of the global crisis in production and consumption.
Dr. Appendino also analyzes the Italian data, which is interesting for the growth and density of installed robots. He comments on future developments, underlining SIRI's attention to the ethical, legal and societal aspects of advanced robotics.
The Link below: Dr. Appendino's article.