09/04/2016 - Lectures, Classes for Students
Potenza (Italy), April 18: Seminar about Robotics and its innovative application

euRobotics organizes on April 18th, at Istituto Giorgi of Potenza, a Seminar where Speakers are going to discuss many aspects of Robotics: The European robotics association and networks with the European Robotics Week; Robotics in Education; The new applications; The robotics contests. School of Robotics Emanuele Micheli amongst the Speakers.
PROGRAM OF THE SEMINAR (attached, Italian)
euRobotics AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is a Brussels based international non-profit association for all stakeholders in European robotics. euRobotics builds upon the success of the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) and the academic network of EURON, and will not only continue the cooperation but will also strengthen the bond between members of these two community driven organisations. Thus, leading towards the establishment of only one sustainable organisation for the European robotics community as a whole.
One of the association’s main missions is to collaborate with the European Commission (EC) to develop and implement a strategy and a roadmap for research, technological development and innovation in robotics, in view of the launch of the next framework program Horizon 2020. Towards this end, euRobotics AISBL was formed to engage from the private side in a contractual Public-Private Partnership, SPARC, with the European Union as the public side.
The association has been nurtured by the partners of euRobotics, a Coordination Action funded by the EC under FP7 which started in 2010 and is ending in December 2012.
The objectives of euRobotics are to boost European robotics research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of robotics. It aims at:
- strengthening competitiveness and ensuring industrial leadership of manufacturers, providers and end users of robotics technology-based systems and services;
- the widest and best uptake of robotics technologies and services for professional and private use;
- the excellence of the science base of European robotics.
euRobotics President - Dr Bernd Liepert
euRobotics Vice President Research - Prof.dr.ir. Stefano Stramigioli
euRobotics Vice President Industry - Dr. Rainer Bischoff
Acting Secretary General - Uwe Haass