11/11/2015 - News
European Robotics Week 2015 (ERW2015), 23-29 November 2015 Communication Centre: Bristol, UK

The European Robotics Week offers one week of various robotics related activities across Europe for the general public, highlighting growing importance of robotics in a wide variety of application areas. The Week aims at inspiring technology education in students of all ages to pursue careers in STEM-related fields, i.e. science, technology, engineering and math. In 2015, we expect over 500 robotics events to take place in European and associate countries.
Organised by euRobotics AISBL, European Robotics Week has so far attracted over 200,000 people during its five years of existence and encouraged young and old to become involved in hundreds of different robotics related activities year after year.How to submit events
If you are registered (due to events in previous years)
Go directly to the "Login for ERW Partners" on the right side and login with your credentials. After being logged-in you just need to click on "Manage events" and then click on "Create new event".
If you are not registered
"Register" underneath the "Events 2015" button. You will receive the credentials to login by e-mail. All you need to do is then to follow the procedure above.
Please tweet about it #ERW2015
European Robotics Week 2015 - Robots & Society
The European Robotics Week, organised by euRobotics AISBL, brings together hundreds of robotics events across Europe. Over the past five years, the event has attracted over 200,000 robot enthusiasts of all ages.
The week, which will run 23-29 November 2015, aims to connect the robotics community to the public, and engage kids in fun and educational activities. You can register and view all the events here: http://www.eu-robotics.net/eurobotics-week/about-eurobotics-week/index.html
This year, the heart of the European Robotics Week is Bristol UK and the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, which will host public events exploring robots and society. Over two days, the public will hear a debate with leading European and UK experts, participate in a full-day workshop on translating latest research in robotics to market, and have the opportunity to bring their kids to the science museum to help researchers build 100 robots to "treat cancer”.
Additional information about the Bristol events and free registration can be found below. And make sure to follow the event on social media #ERW2015.
Robots & Society Night
Tuesday 24 November
19:00 - 21:00
M Shed - Bristol Harbourside
Free registration: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/robots-society-night-demonstrations-debate-tickets-19204942500
The “Robots & Society Night” will serve as the official launch of the EU Robotics Week. The evening will start with a live demonstration of a Nao robot avatar directed by Dr. Paul Bremner from the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, and will continue with an in-depth debate with key experts from Europe and the UK about the role of robots in society.
Robots: From Imagination to Market
Wednesday 25 November
9:00 - 17:00
Watershed - Bristol Harbourside & Bristol Robotics Laboratory
Free registration: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/robots-from-imagination-to-market-tickets-19205164163
The "Robots: From Imagination to Market" event aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research in academia and the vibrant robotics startup ecosystem.
Starting with an introduction to robots in science fiction, we will dive into the latest state-of-the art research, hear from up-and-rising startups, and learn from successful companies. Additional highlights will include a tour of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, an overview of legal and ethical questions, and a panel discussion on how to go from imagination to market.
Robot Buildathon
Wednesday 25 November
18:00 - 20:00
Science Museum At-Bristol - Bristol Harbourside
Free registration: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/robot-buildathon-help-us-make-100-robots-tickets-19205264463
At the robot buildathon, kids from 5 to 14 years old will help researchers build 100 robots to treat artificial cancer cells. They will also interact with researchers, educators, and students at robot stations throughout the museum. Stations will showcase a swarm of 200 coin-sized robots, Thymio and TiddlyBot robots they can program, and the latest robots from the Robogals team and students from Digimakers.
Make sure you also register your event and check what else is happening in your region. An overview of events and a press release will be provided early November.