26/11/2019 - News, Projects
Robotics Olympics 2019 -20: Registration ends on december 20th, 2019

Registration is open for the sixth edition of the Robotics Olympics, which from this year are included in the annual Excellence Enhancement Programme of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Robotics Olympics 2019 -20
Scuola di Robotica, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Education, organizes the sixth edition of the Robotics Olympics. The free competition is dedicated to teams from secondary schools and aims to promote, encourage and support the educational potential of robotics with particular reference to STEM subjects.
Also for the 2019 - 20 edition, the main theme will be the environment and the projects presented will have to find solutions for the improvement of the environmental conditions of our planet. Teams can choose to create robots operating in aquatic, terrestrial or air environments.
You can find the registration form here:
To register you must fill in the application form by December 20, 2019 and send, by January 24, 2020, three different videos presenting the team, the problem identified and the robot designed as well as a presentation document of the project. The videos will be selected by a jury of experts in robotics and communication. Only thirty teams will be able to access the Final, which will be held in Genoa on 2 - 3 - 4 April 2020. At the Final, the selected teams (consisting of 3 students and 1 tutor) will be called to present the prototype of the designed robot and its features and will compete in a Hackaton.
The robotics Olympics are linked to 2 international competitions and a European project:
First Global Challenge
Scuola di Robotica is an Italian partner of the First Global Challenge, the competition that involves teams from almost every country in the world and takes place every year a different nation (2017 - Washington, 2018 - Mexico City, 2019 - Dubai, 2019). Theme of the challenge are the greatest challenges that our planet will face in the coming years (2017 - the resource water, 2018 - the production of energy, 2019 - pollution of the oceans, 2019). The location and dates of the 2020 edition are being defined.
The team ranked first in the 2019 Robotics Olympics will be invited to participate in the event FIRST GLOBAL CHALLENGE 2020 and will receive a contribution aimed at partially covering the costs of participation.
Event website: https://first.global/fgc/
European Robotics League, the international competition organized by a consortium of the most prestigious European institutes of Robotics that every year involves teams from universities and colleges around the world. Competition website: https://www.eu-robotics.net/robotics_league/
The winning teams of the 3 categories will be able to meet the judges of the ERL and present their prototypes during an event of the 2019-2020 edition, (places and dates are being defined).
Competition website: https://www.eu-robotics.net/robotics_league/
Iot In Education - We are the makers: a European project of which Scuola di Robotica is a partner that provides the implementation of enabling technologies for humans and to help the planet. The project will organize an international event in the city of birth of Kepler, Weil der Stadt, in November 2020 in which schools and teachers from all over Europe will meet to present their projects. One of the winning teams will be able to participate in the event thanks to the funds of the European Commission, which provides funding for this project to participate.
2 December 2019 at 3 p.m.
Presentation webinar
Links for registration:
More information on the website: https://www.olimpiadirobotica.it/