


15/10/2019 - Lectures

Rome, Maker Faire 2019: Presentation of the new institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines

Rome, Maker Faire 2019: Presentation of the new institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

I-RIM, The Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, will be presented during the three days of Maker Faire in Rome. Scuola di Robotica participates in the I-RIM workshop on the Roboethics of autonomous vehicles.

I-RIM, the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, was founded with the aim of encouraging the development and use of Robotics technologies and Intelligent Machines in general to improve the quality of life and well-being of citizens and improve the conditions of society, through the development of new solutions for helping people, improving working conditions, transfer of applications and the economic exploitation of research.

I-RIM is an Institute created to offer a national organizational reference point for its members and stakeholders, and to communicate with public institutions on the issues of Robotics and Intelligent Machines. The I_Rim will be presented in three days at the Maker Faire 2019 in Rome.


During the three days of I-RIM, conferences and workshops will be held at Maker Faire. You can find the Programme here:

Scuola di Robotica will participate in the seminar on "Elements of Roboethics of Autonomous Vehicles", on 19 October from 14:30 to 16:30

For information and registration:


Roboethics, Science&Society